Old Tibetan Documents Online


IOL Tib J 1274 (= vol.57, fol.220)
1. Content : A contract for the borrowing of paper and a piece of cloth, and letter drafts.
2. Note : Sheet. Complete text. This manuscript is one of the glegs-tshas texts. Recto, 7 lines of a contract with a signature, and several Tibetan scribblings including the beginning of the letter draft on the verso side. Verso, a letter draft and scribblings in Tibetan and Chinese. Letter drafts and scribblings have not been involved here.
3. References :
Takeuchi (1995: pl. 13).
Thomas (1951: 66-67) [P.Translit., P.Trans.],Takeuchi (1995: 55-56) [P.Trans.], Takeuchi (1995: 175-177) [P.Translit., P.Trans.], Takeuchi (2013: 101-105) [P.Translit., P.Trans.], Takeuchi (2016: 55-56) [P.Trans.], Takeuchi (2016: 185-187) [P.Translit., P.Trans.].

Transliteration   (Change the Display Format)

(1) $ /:/ ser dzIn kheng gI bu lon rgya thag gcig dang shog shog yug thung bcu lI'u klu rton la chags te /
(2) 'bul ba'I dus nI / 'brugI lo'i dgun sla tha chungs tshes nyi shu la / dzIn kheng gang na mchis par 'bul /
(3) bar bgyis / dus der ma phul na / shog shog dang rgya thag gnyis ka bsgyur te / dam rgya gsum myi /
(4) dgos par dam rgya phyi mo gcig bgyis pa des rIng lugs bgyis te / klu rton gyi ram phyis dang shI'u /
(5) kIn jI la bab kyang rungste phrogs kyang zhal mchu tshIg gcIg kyang myi mchi bar bgyis pa'I /
(6) dpang la / sag stag slebs / im 'bye le'u / khang mang zIgs / song lug lug las /
(7) stsogs pa'I dpang rgya dang / klu rton gyi sug pa gyi mdzub tshad gyis btab pa'/
(8) (Inverted line<) klu rton sug rgya ma mchis the mdzub tshad btab pa / / (>Inverted line)