Old Tibetan Documents Online


Or.15000/67 (= M.Tagh. a. II. 0089)
1. Content : Divination with dice.
2. Note : Three sheets of paper pasted together. original document was probably much longer. The beginning and the end are missing. Recto, 12 lines of a dice divination text. Verso, blank.
3. References :
Takeuchi (1997: pl. 129).
Takeuchi (1998: 41) [I.Translit.].

Transliteration   (Change the Display Format)

(1) [---] / [@---] / @@
(2) mtho ste nI [mnan] [---] lha rI ni snyI[---] phrom la rIce
(3) nI gdugs myI bdal dam ste ni smon myI
(4) 'tsal lha rI ni skam pa gong gnyI zla nI 'drold
(5) ga[M] shuld grangs lhags nI gdags myi 'tsal
(6) @ / @@@@ / @
(7) mda'd+' rgyal nI drum bu zhig rgod kyI ni 'dab chags kyang
(8) ma 'pangs ni 'phur myI ma kyen / / bas kyi nI bcu ru
(9) la glad la nI rva 'pan yang snyog cIng ni nyug myi
(10) ma kyen / /
(11) [---] @@@
(12) [---]