Old Tibetan Documents Online


Or.15000/160 (= M.Tagh. a. VI. 0062)
1. Content : Document, contract; Khotanese on verso.
2. Note : Fragment. Upper left portion remains; the left edge remains partly in r4. R1 gives the date; r2 mentions dgra'-blon "military official." R3 states "[should the debtor] fail to repay or [should] there be any shortage." The substantial part of the contract is missing. Two lines of previously unpublished Khotanese appear on verso. Recto, 4 lines. Verso, 2 lines in Khotanese.
3. References :
Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.1: pl.222).
Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.2: no.222)[I.Translit.] [P.Trans.].

Transliteration   (Change the Display Format)

(r1) [---] / spr[e] 'u lo 'I ston mgar khrom [---]
(r2) [---] shagsu 'tshade dgra' blo[---]
(r3) [myi?] phul lam chad pa byung [---]
(r4) gyI sug rgya' [---]