Old Tibetan Documents Online


Or.15000/240(= M.Tagh. c. II. 0062. a. + b.)
1. Content : document, register, name list?; letter type 3
2. Note : A sheet of paper with top and right edges remain. Recto, 3 lines. Verso, 2 lines. Two fragments have been joined together. The reconstructed text is the upper right portion, consisting of mostly personal names. The beginning of a letter or letter draft to Klu-gsas and Gsas-legs is on verso.
3. References :
Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.1: pl.306).
Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.2: no.306)[I.Translit.P.Trans.].

Transliteration   (Change the Display Format)

(r1) [---]g [lha (/lnga)] thubs / sha dag 'bur chal / / a 'jog [b]chig thab chu khyim / yo
(r2) [---] g[chig] / snga [---] chig gi ya thog sor sum
(r3) [---]o[---]
(v1) $ / / klu gsas dang gsas leg[s] [---]
(v2) (vowel sings only)