Old Tibetan Documents Online


Or.15000/478 (= M.I.xxv.003)
1. Content : A loan contract.
2. Note : Fragment of a sheet. Recto, 3 lines of probably a loan contract. Verso, 1 line of probably a continuation from recto.
3. References :
Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.1: no.594).
Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.2: no.594)[I.Translit.].

Transliteration   (Change the Display Format)

(r1) [---]l drug / thong kyab kyi sde / ldong pring shu[---]
(r2) [---] lo'i ston zla 'bring po ma gum tshun cha[d] [---]
(r3) [---]l bar bgyis / [dus] der ma [phul] [---]
(v1) [---] rtsa / gyi nas khal phyed [stong sreng?]