Old Tibetan Documents Online


1. Content : Writing exercise of a letter.
2. Note : Sheet. Recto, several Chinese lines, one of which is Da banruo boluomiduo jing di bashi ba 大般若波羅蜜多經第八十八. This sheet was probably the wrapper for a scroll of that sūtra. See Giles 1957 for other Chinese lines. Verso, two lines of Tibetan. Writing exercise of a letter. According to Takeuchi 1990, it is classified as Type III, with greeting pattern 1: private letters. Writing exercise of Chinese characters is also found.
3. References :
Iwao et al (2012: pl. 38).
Giles (1957: no.7745), Iwao et al (2012: 69) [I.Translit.].

Transliteration   (Change the Display Format)

(1) $ / / nang rje po blon stag bzang la / / do zhun gyi mchid gsol ba' thugs bde 'aM myi
(2) bde mchid yi ge las / snyun gsol zhing mchis na bka' stsal bar ji gnang /