1. Content : Document, letter type 2.
2. Note : Complete. Originally folded, as shown in the plate in Serindia, where recto was folded inside. But recto is graffiti consisting of curses on nang-rje-po Btshan-do-re, while verso is a letter from Mkhar-slebs to Lord 'An-mdzes. ssal(v2) is written for stsal; 'de for 'di(v3); 'pangs for 'bangs(v3); pa's la(v4) for pa las. R5 and r6 may be the form of address of the verso letter. Since lower half of v5 is torn off, verso was written before recto. Possibly the recto graffiti were written on the back of the verso letter, then the paper was folded just like a letter. Recto, 5 lines and 1 inverted line. Verso, 5 lines.
3. References :
Stein (1921: pl.CLXXII), Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.1: pl.284).
Thomas (1951:196), Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.2: no.284)[I.Translit.].