1. Content : document, invoice of a transport
2. Note : Complete. Recto, 4 lines. Verso, blank. Invoice from (lit. of) the kho ngam [official]. It describes what is to be sent to whom, e.g., ”three pho re of wool to Mdzes ldan, three and a half khal of barley to a person of Nob ched po, etc.” (r1-r3). R3-r4 seem to say "[Of these] three pho re of wool of 'Phan legs was left aside (i.e., undelivered) this year. The things [appearing] later should be sent without leaving [anything] aside."
3. References :
Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.1: pl.473).
Thomas (1951: 154-155)[I.Translit.aI.Trans.], Takeuchi (1997-98, vol.2: no.473)[I.Translit.I.Trans.].