1. Content : The inscription at the tomb of Khri lde srong brtsan
2. Location : 'Phyong rgyas
3. Date : 815-817
4. Condition : extant but very badly weathered. The appendix is the text of ll.1-30 (a1-a30) and ll.39-47 (a39-a47) from the readings of Richardson (1985: 86-90) of ll. 1-30, which was made by comparison with the readings of Ka thog Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu (1688-1755) and his reconstuctions of ll.39-47. Note that, while we follow the readings of Richardson (1985), we use the line number corrected by Li and Coblin, as Richardson counted ll.31 and 32 as one sigle line. Thus, after l.31, our line number + 1 is equal to Richardson's line number.
5. Photos / Rubbings :
Bsod rnams skyid (1984: plate 5), Richardson (1969: plate Ib), lines 1-7, (plate II): 13-25(26,27), (cf. also Richardson 1963, plate 4, which is the same as or very similar to plate Ib above), Tucci (1950, fig. 1, opposite p. 36): lines 1-7 (mostly illegible)
6. References :
Tucci (1950: 35-39, 91-93) [*], Richardson (1969) [*], Takasaki (1977) [*], Bsod rnams skyid (1984: 101-105) [*], Bsod nams and Chang (1985) [*], Li and Coblin (1987: 237-260) [P. Tranlit., P. Trans.], Richardson (1985: 84-91) [P. Tranlit., P. Trans.], Richardson (1987: 12-14) [*], Wang (1982: 135-149)