1. Content : The Skar cung inscription
2. Location : Ra ma sgang, 3.2. kilometers southwest of Lhasa
3. Date : reign of Khri lde srong brtsan (779?-815)
4. Condition : in Nor bu gling ka (Takeuchi 1996: 233)
5. Photos / Rubbings :
Richardson (1949: plate X): lines 32-41(42), (1963 [sic. 1973]: plate 17): lines 38-41 (partial): (1985: plate 10): lines 24-35(36), Snellgrove and Richardson (1968: 38): lines 24-36.
6. References :
Richardson (1949: 1973) [*], Tucci (1950: 4-8, 53-54, 104-108) [*], Wang (1982: 151-163) [I. Translit., I. Trans.], Richardson (1985: 72-81) [I. Translit., I. Trans.], Bsod rnams skyid (1984: 106-113) [*], Li and Coblin (1987: 316-331) [I. Translit., I. Trans.].